Copyright © Pepper Stewart TV
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N ' Pepper ' Stewart left the Rodeo Arena in 2000 for the family life. Pepper grew up in Central Texas on the family farm dating back to the 1800's. His time was spent on the farm tending to cattle and riding colts. In rodeo he rode a few bulls, broncs and worked as a bullfighter - rodeo clown. He was never a world champion but lived his arena life to the fullest. Pepper and his family live on the 7SC Ranch (Stewart Horses) in North Texas raising a few AQHA performance horses, and a small herd of crossbred cattle. Pepper competes in Ranch Horse events, and safety rider (pick up man) at bull ridings events.
Texas Ranch N Rodeo Weekly 2012-2015
Talk Show Host / Media Personality
WSPBR World Senior Professional Bull Riders
Rodeo Announcer multiple dates 2014 / 2015
Sam Houston State University 2015
Guest Speaker / Agriculture & Rodeo
ERA Elite Rodeo Athletes 2016
Semi Finals Radio Broadcast Commentator
North Texas Equifest 2016
Event Emcee / Announcer
East Texas Roughstock Association 2016
Season Rodeo Announcer
Pepper Stewart Show 2016 - Current
Talk Show Host / Media Personality
Farm N Ranch TV 2016- 2022
Talk Show Host
Mesquite Championship Rodeo PRCA 2018
TV Commentator / Rodeo recap Host
PRCA ProRodeo
Country Road Radio - UK 2016
Voice over
2019-2022 Contributing Writer for
North Texas Farm & Ranch Magazine
2020-22 Weekly Guest Rodeo News Spots
KSEY 1230 AM Seymour, Tx
2016-2018 Cowboy Model
- Digital and Print Ads -
2021-2024 Rodeo Clothing Co
-Western Image Consultant -
Notable Movies & TV Bits
Dallas - Reboot
Walker Tx Ranger - Reboot
1883 - Yellowstone
Bass Reeves
The Madison
Chase Rice music video
Multiple Commercials
Print & Cable TV
Pepper hosted the online TV talk show Texas Ranch N Rodeo Weekly from 2012-2015. The name's sake Tv talk show The Pepper Stewart Show launched in 2016 - 2022 on Farm N Ranch Tv.
Show currently Streams on Canyon Star TV and on PBR (Professional Bull Rider) Podcast Network.
Pepper is credited with being the first Live global rural interactive tv talk show, in which laid the groundwork for the programming you see today on multiple rural networks.
One of the great achievements was LIVE streaming freestyle bull fights and bull riding worldwide.
What was once seen as a pipe dream is now duplicated my many today. Pepper's talk show was once the go to media outlet for associations and rodeo athletes to get their message and news to the rodeo fan's. As social media grew and the live streaming social media broke ground the news outlet paths have changed.
Based on the success of Pepper's Talk Show in north Texas you now have a large presence of rural broadcasting calling north Texas home.
As the media landscape constantly changes Pepper's show changes with them.
As the rodeo media coverage floods the web Pepper is drifting in the direction he has always
wanted to pursue doing more entertainment and western horse sports stories.
Pepper is a former rodeo announcer, rough stock contractor, and (PRCA) Professional Rodeo TV and Radio Commentator. Has also done some public speaking at events, schools and even judged a few bull riding's & bullfights over time.
Pepper is currently representing the following companies:
Cactus Ropes, Master Hatters of Texas, Stay Handy.
"In The Arena Fear Is Not An Option"
Ned "Pepper" Stewart